Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dinner Conversations With a Two Year Old

Chuck and I had an interesting conversation with Micah at the dinner table tonight. We got on the subject of Micah being a big brother. Previously, when the topic of another baby comes up, Micah would refuse to acknowledge it. If we asked him if he wanted to be a big brother, he would yell, "NO!!!" (I'm sure everyone can picture exactly how he says it, too! )

Tonight, we asked Micah again if he wanted to be a big brother. He put up his hand and said, "Not yet! Not yet! It's my birthday first!" (He will be turning 3 on July 31st.) Chuck and I looked at each other, surprised at the different response. I asked him, "So, after your birthday, you want to be a big brother?" He replied, "Yes!"

Hallelujah! We've had a breakthrough! Micah has accepted the fact that he will not be an only child. We started to talk about him protecting, holding, and having to be very gentle with Aiden. Micah seemed very excited about all of it.

I then asked Micah where Aiden was. Micah looked down at his stomach and said, "He's in my belly! See?! (as he poked his stomach out)" It was hilarious!

Apparently, Aiden is in Micah's belly and I'm just bloated. The mind of a two year old is so interesting!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We're home!

Holy cow, it has been over a month since I last blogged. That's because it seems our life has been in fast-forward for quite some time. This is what has been going on:

Camp- We were at camp for 3 weeks! While I'm not a camp kind of girl, we did enjoy ourselves. It's nice seeing old friends and meeting new people. I also enjoy the volleyball games (yes, I did play), although they got a little too intense this year!! LOL!! I realized during the last week how much Chuck and I want a Nintendo Wii!! ;-) Micah had a good time too. Although we realized that we had been there too long when Micah started calling our camper his "camper home." He keeps asking us when we are going back! We are SOOO thankful to be home. Being in the middle of nowhere makes you really appreciate your comfortable home. I am continuously thanking God for my shower, bathroom, bed... etc. The list goes on and on!

House- The kitchen is almost done, HALLELUJAH!! There are only a few more cosmetic things still lingering, but it looks fabulous! I love it! And our entire downstairs carpet was replaced with hardwood floors. This is WONDERFUL for someone who is constantly concerned about the cleanliness of carpets and feels the need to scrub them every other week!! Seriously, I am much more relaxed not feeling like I need to scrub carpets! Now, we are just trying to get things ready for Aiden. On the to do list is painting and switching some rooms around. Hopefully, most of it will be done this week.

Micah- My little boy will be turning 3 years old on July 31st! I can't believe it!! He is growing up so quickly!

Pregnancy- It is almost over! I am now about 34 weeks. Since I last blogged, I found out that I have gestational diabetes. It's crazy because diabetes doesn't run in my family and I don't fit into any of the risk categories. I had to attend a class about it where they provided a nutritionist who put me on a strict diet, and they taught me about taking care of myself. In addition to the diet, I have to check my blood sugar 4 times a day. Pricking your finger in not fun. On the bright side, this has caused Chuck and me to eat healthier which is something we've wanted to do anyways. Chuck is enjoying making new meals, and they have all turned out SOOO good! I've actually started losing weight already. My doctor wants me to gain 10 more pounds before I have this baby, so we'll see how that goes. Other than that, everything has been going well. I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy since I'm planning on it being my last. I'm just ready to get some decent sleep and for the exhaustion to go away.

All in all, things are great. I'm excited about the new things that are yet to come, and I'm so thankful for my husband, Micah, church, everything! Life is great!