Thursday, May 28, 2009


As everyone at RM knows, Micah is a two year old with an attitude. Chuck and I are trying to break some of this. Well, he was talking back today, and when he wouldn't heed to my warning, I put him in time-out. I was washing dishes and forgot to pay attention to the time, so he had to sit longer than usual. When I told him he could get up, he jumps to his feet and starts jumping in the living room yelling, "I'M FREE!!! I'M FREE!!!"

Micah has experienced true freedom today...

Monday, May 25, 2009

What is Your Potential?

Alright, my husband has reminded me that I have not blogged in over a week. I guess it defeats the purpose of having a blog if you never write, so I'll do better.

There is something that has been on my mind for the last several weeks. I recently heard a pastor speak on potential. He said that God only judges us based on OUR potential. He used Billy Graham as an example: Let's say that through the crusades that Billy Graham held, 5 million people were saved. That would be considered a HUGE success. I know that I haven't reached 5 million in my life so far. But what if Billy Graham had the potential to reach 10 million people. Do you think God would be satisfied with him only reaching half of his potential? While God would be rejoicing over the 5 million people who are now living for Him, I believe He would be mourning over the 5 million lost. (Please know that I am not saying that Billy Graham didn't live up to his potential. This is strictly an example.)

It has made me think about a lot of things. We are all so caught up with comparing our lives to other people's lives. Some may think that they are doing enough for God because they are more committed that their neighbor. None of that matters. When we die, God is not going to look at us and say, "Well done good and faithful servant because you led more to the Lord than Sally." No, it doesn't matter what anyone else has done. All that matters is what God has put inside you to do.

This has made me take a look at my life. What in my life am I doing simply because I have compared myself or my life to someone else? No one is immune to this. We have all at one point or another been influenced or affected by other people.

Bottom line: I don't want to miss it. I don't want to die without reaching my potential. I don't want to waste time. I don't want to become prideful and think I have done enough for the Kingdom of God because I've done more than someone else. I don't want to think that I'm insignificant or a failure because I haven't done as much as someone else. I want to reach my potential and do what God has purposed for me to do.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Things

I'm usually not one who is incredibly excited about changes. Being that I'm a planner, I usually make a mental list of all the bad things or inconveniences that accompany the change. But I feel like we are going through so many changes that I am SOOO excited about!

First, Micah is potty training. Hallelujah! We've tried a few times before but stopped if he became really frustrated with it. I continually talked to him about it and made him tell me all the steps of "pee peeing in the potty." Well, when Adam and Lori came this weekend, they had begun potty training Ethan. Micah decided he was ready. This time around has been a piece of cake- maybe because he actually initiated it. Anyways, he has been in underwear and hasn't had a single accident. Thank you, Jesus!!

Second, we bought a car. It's really exciting because it's a reliable car. It's also VERY baby compatible. It has a DVD player and a flip down baby mirror for the driver that I think is so cool! But aside from all that, this is the first vehicle that Chuck and I have picked out together. We sat down and decided the things we wanted, and overall, it was a fun process.

Third, our kitchen is being remodled. I am THRILLED that this is going on. We will have a dishwasher!! I don't know how I've survived for two years without one. It's a miracle!

Fourth, Aiden's arrival is quickly approaching. I'm still getting used to the idea of having two kids, but I'm so excited! I feel much more relaxed and prepared this time around, and I'm thoroughly enjoying my full nights of sleep right now since I know they are numbered.

Last, but not least, I'm still excited about all the new things going on at and in store for Restoration Ministries. I am so thankful for the people at RM, and for the opportunity that God has given Chuck and me.

Good things are in store, and I believe I am ready for change.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Steph's Version of the "Monday Mind Dump"

I realize it's Tuesday, but here is my belated "Monday Mind Dump" as Charles calls it! I thought service was great. I know that we say it all the time, but we truly love RM! So, here are my thoughts:

-The praise team has learned a couple new songs, one of which we sang during service. It's called "I Call Your Name," and I LOVE that song! It is so powerful.

-My husband made me nervous throughout the enitre message. Did anyone keep track of how many times he said "crack"?

-Charles likes to use the lapel microphone. The only problem with that is that he wears all of his shirts untucked. The mic pack makes him look like he has a serious ghetto-booty! I wonder if they sell mic packs in "extra-slim."

-As Charles said in his blog, it was an incredibly long day. We had a very productive staff meeting, then our men's and women's Bible studies. By the time I got to the Destiny Seeker's Bible Study, I was brain dead. Sorry if it seemed like I was zoned out!

So there is my take. Again, I love RM, and I am so glad to be at a church with some excitement. I really look forward to Sundays!

Monday, May 4, 2009

New Blog

Alright, I gave in. My husband has been trying to convince me to get into this blogging, Twittering (or I guess it's called "tweeting") stuff for quite some time. While I am still refusing to join Twitter, I have created a blog. I mean, I'm a woman. I can think of LOTS of stuff to talk about! On the bright side, I now have an avenue of revenge for the comments that Chuck makes about me in his sermons (ie. I cannot cook, I fear that I will bleed out from a paper cut wound, I look like a squirrel has made a nest in my hair when I wake up in the morning...). Yes, this may be worth it! ;-)