Monday, May 4, 2009

New Blog

Alright, I gave in. My husband has been trying to convince me to get into this blogging, Twittering (or I guess it's called "tweeting") stuff for quite some time. While I am still refusing to join Twitter, I have created a blog. I mean, I'm a woman. I can think of LOTS of stuff to talk about! On the bright side, I now have an avenue of revenge for the comments that Chuck makes about me in his sermons (ie. I cannot cook, I fear that I will bleed out from a paper cut wound, I look like a squirrel has made a nest in my hair when I wake up in the morning...). Yes, this may be worth it! ;-)


Chuck Barrineau said...

I'll get you on twitter before it's all over! And I don't know what you're talking about concerning comments about you in my messages. I only tell the truth! I'm a preacher, I wouldn't lie. ;-)

Joanie said...

lol...way to bloom into blogging :)